CBC’s Over the Rainbow

Possibly one of the most unique applications I’ve ever worked on. Over the Rainbow was an “American Idol”-esque TV show contest on CBC.

Our job was to create a mobile game (iOS/Android) that allowed the user to control the fate of contestants singing live on television. Pretty cool stuff.

Anybody using the app could vote for their favourite singer, and the crystal ball on live TV would change colour depending on how their performance was rated. You can see that in action in the video:

Click through to find out more about the game…

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Dirty Dancing Social Resort – Trailer

Dirty Dancing Social Resort is a Facebook game I built while at Social Game Universe.

The game was a classic tycoon style game which is a genre I personally enjoy, so I’d have to say this was definitely one of the more fun projects I’ve worked on. I’d actually be super excited to start a new feature (well, almost always) and I do remember losing quite a lot of sleep getting this thing off the ground.

Click continue to find out how the game did…

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